Epicurious: At it again – this time, seafood


Epicurious posted the fifth video in the Well Equipped YouTube series. It’s seafood gadgets for this one: 5 Seafood Gadgets Improved By Design Expert.

Here’s the premise for the series: the Epicurious team selects an array of kitchen gadgets, usually odd kitchen gadgets. They then spring them on me to try out and comment, on camera. I usually have a day or two beforehand to try them in my kitchen – but there’s no rehearsal. It’s improvised, shooting as I test each one to see how they work out. Quips may come from me, although the director, producer and crew also have fun making suggestions. My on-the-spot sketchpad ideas for how to improve their designs are completely improvised thoughts.

After shooting, the videos go into a few weeks of editing. A day of shooting edits down to somewhere between 15 and 25 minutes.

The first 5 episodes, to date, have tallied more than 12 million views. Three other episodes have already been shot and are currently being editing. A ninth video is planned for later this month.

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